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  • Writer's pictureRome City Pest Control

5 Early Warning Signs of Termite Infestations

Termites are among the most destructive wood-eating pests and cause billions of dollars worth of property damage. Homeowners should be aware of potential signs that suggest the presence of termites, as early detection is the best way to protect your home from excessive unwanted structural damage. In this article, we will discuss some common warning signs that can alert you to the presence of a termite infestation in your home.

  1. Termites Around Your Property

One of the most common ways to spot termites is by looking for their tubes or swarms in trees, stumps, or wood piles on your property. If you see any of these signs it could indicate an infestation and prompt you to take action quickly before the colony has time to spread to your home.

It's also important to check your property regularly in case there are any signs that cannot be seen by the naked eye. This could include small openings in the ground where termite activity is

occurring or thin sheets of dried mud that have been left behind from termite trail-building. Being aware of these warning signs can help you protect your home from costly damage caused by these pests!

When a termite colony reaches a certain size, the winged swarmers will take flight to seek out a new food source and suitable shelter. These flying pests don’t typically travel very far, which means that if there is a growing colony on your property, your house might be their next target.

2. Swarmers

One of the major warning signs of termites is swarmers. Swarmer termites - also called alates - are winged, reproductive adults that are seen in huge concentrations during certain times of the year. When swarmer termites take flight from a colony, they can be an indication that there are existin

g and nearby termite populations. Once swarmers land on a suitable structure for their new colony, they will shed their wings and get to work building tunnels, nests, and colonies. Swarmers are most active in the spring, but they can strike at any time depending on the climate and other environmental factors.

It may be time to consult a professional if you see a mass of tiny flying insects (or piles of wings) near doorways, on window sills, or around your home. It may take a couple of years before their new colony reaches maturity, but by then your home will already have sustained considerable damage.

3. Mud Tubes

The most common warning sign that you have termites around your property is mud tubes. These tubes are small tunnels and columns of dirt that termites build so they can safely travel above

ground, where they are more likely to encounter food sources such as wood. If you see these mud tubes on your walls or foundation, it could mean you have an infestation.

Mud tubes are not limited to the side of your house — they can be built just about anywhere, including behind wallpaper, inside walls, and around window frames. Therefore it is crucial for homeowners to regularly inspect their homes for these tell-tale signs in order to take action quickly if an infestation is detected.

4. Droppings

Termite droppings are a sign that termites have infested a property. To know if your home has a termite problem, observe for pieces of fecal matter that termites push out from “kick out holes” due

to their presence. Worker termites will regularly collect feces (called “frass”) in the colony and push them out of these tiny holes in order to keep the colonies clean and dry which helps protect them from moisture damage and disease. As frass piles up near the kick-out hole, it forms small piles outside of your home - providing evidence that there may be an active colony nearby.

Termite droppings (often compared to small piles of sawdust or coffee grounds) are usually found in moist places such as corners, crevices, and tight spaces between houses. Additionally, they are often found near wood structures and foundations as well as behind walls and in garages or sheds.

5. Conducive Conditions

Protecting your home from wood-destroying pests starts with knowing what conducive conditions can attract them. Termites, in particular, thrive in moist, dark environments and feed on damaged or

unprotected wood. It's essential to take stock of the conditions in and around your property to spot the warning signs that termites may be present. This can help you do what you can to protect yourself and your home from these destructive pests. Moist basements and plumbing leaks create favorable conditions for termite infestations by providing them with food and moisture sources. Additionally, basements often get poorly ventilated which provides ideal temperature conditions for them as well.

Termites can very quickly create havoc in your home, so take action before they create a colony inside your home. While prevention is best, early detection can save you a lot of heartache and money. If you see any of these signs around your property (or if you don’t see them but would still like some peace of mind) call Rome City Pest Control to schedule your termite inspection and find out about our options for preventative treatments.

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